XXX as a series deals with the seductive nature of nostalgia. When researching nostalgia I often looked out the window of my studio at LSD. A space romanticized amongst berliners. But what they are nostalgic for in this space, I don't know. It is a well known center for human trafficking and a chain sex shop. 

Through the recent years bearing witness to the Trump campaign and following presidency in the US, Brexit in the UK and the rise of the AFD party in Germany, a core tactic of these movements has been the weaponization of nostalgia or to say a “history” without guilt. Often in In XXX I borrowed the figures of the 2000s models from signs outside of LSD. In the same way nostalgia seduces rather than convinces, I felt the lingerie models from the signs, far removed from anyone around Kurfürstenstr would be the best figures to illustrate my thoughts. 

 I wanted to use acid, etching/burning feels very connected to committing something to memory due to the fact the method isn't entirely precise. And just like a nostalgic memory the figures only sparkle in the right light and if you try to look too close all the details blur beyond recognition.